When providing medical information online, enhanced user experienceis key to deliveringreal value according to digital medical publisher EPG Health.
Such is their reason for launching Medthority,to replacethe company’spreviouswebsite for healthcare professionals(HCPs), epgonline.org.
Independent medical websites are HCPs’ preferredchannelfor accessing clinical information,with 96% rating them important (65% ‘very’ important).[1] However,findingandconsuming relevant and up-to-dateinformationin a congested onlinespace remainsa challenge, with half reporting ‘lack of time’ a contributing factor.[2]Via Medthority, EPG Health brings advances in user experience and personalised content discovery, whichmost HCPs expectfromconsumer-led websites but still lack it in their professional lives.
To develop Medthority, EPG Health partneredwith Episerver,leveragingitsCustomer Centric Digital Experience Platform.Named a leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for digital experience, Episerver’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS)model uses Microsoft Azure, and was selected by EPG Health to take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning enabled personalisation.The advanced functionality and features allow content on Medthority to be surfaced based on user profile, behaviourand peer activity.
Supporting patient management and treatment decisions, the mobile-optimisedwebsitecuratescredible sources of disease awareness, clinical trials, drug data, patient support materials and medical congress output. Access to these is facilitated through:
• Discovery -intuitive search, navigation and signposting driven by profile and behaviour
• Relevance -personalised user dashboard, recommendation services and tailored notifications
• Convenience -functions like bookmark and resume journeys
• Format -content is optimised, chunked and sequencedfor ease of digital consumption
Free to use and free of advertising,Medthority is funded through pharmaceutical grants and sponsorship for ‘Learning Zones’ and ‘Congress Zones’. These are self-contained, disease and condition specificeducational resources fortopics including stroke prevention, transplantation and prostate cancer. Positioned within Medthority, overthirtyexisting Learning Zones (funded by companies including Pfizer, Novartis andAstraZeneca)benefit from the same functionality and features as the main site.
EPG Health’s Chief Digital Officer Ian Daley said: “Our research revealed that doctors considered epgonline.org a trusted learning environment, with the right educational content. However, benefits could be amplified by providing timely relevance in a crowded space, whilst majoring on the user experience. Drawing on 360-degree market feedback, and enabled through Episerver’s technology suite, we believe our new website will push boundaries for digital channel delivery within the pharmaceutical industry. This has become even more important,with HCP contact challenged by the COVID-19 epidemic.”
Ian, who joined EPG Health from the Daily Mail Group in 2017, added: “We’ve created a more habitual experience for our users, one that will ultimately benefit all stakeholders – HCPs, patients and pharma customers alike. This warranted the name change to Medthority.”
Commenting on behalf of Episever, Joey Moore, Senior Product Marketing Director, said:“Episerver enables organisations from across the globe to compete digitally. EPG Health are an example of that, demonstrating an ambitious customer-centric focus and continuously optimising their Episerver solution to support their digital strategy and the delivery of highly relevant medical content to their members.”
For further information visit www.epghealth.com